Why You Need a VPN Service When You Travel This Summer

Have you already purchased a VPN Service? It is a good thing that we can stay connected even when traveling. In other countries, now is the best time to take a summer vacation with family and friends. Eventhough we can still use internet whenever we’re travelling,  it doesn’t mean that we are safe from  harmful cyber-attacks and internet troubles.

If you’re not going to be extra careful and connect to unsecured Wi-Fi hotspots, someone can access your personal information. And it will get you into trouble. These are the reasons why we asked you if you have already purchased or subscribed to a VPN service.

Here are some reasons why you need to have a VPN service provider to back you up on your next travel adventure.

Protect you on Unsecure Wi-Fi Hotspots

Hackers and criminals will do anything to steal something from people who always use the internet. When you’re traveling there are so many unsecured Wi-Fi hotspots around you and you will be tempted to connect to it. For example, you can find these unsecured Wi-Fi hotspots in a coffee shop, hotels, and the airport. You need a VPN service provider to protect you from the prying eyes of hackers. Be careful in doing some online transactions when you’re in a different place with unsecured internet resources.

Improve your Internet Speed

When connected to a VPN like FrootVPN, you can access different websites and web content faster as you bypass your internet provider’s congested network. You’ll always be in a crowded place with a crowded network full of other people who are traveling. You can now watch your favorite show from a different country without experiencing laggy speed problems using a VPN. One more thing about FrootVPN is you can now connect instantly because of the available Windows VPN client.

Avoid Censorship

Countries like Egypt and China prohibits the use of different websites so their government blocked it. If you don’t know yet, the Great Firewall of China blocked some popular websites like Facebook and Google. If you need to access these websites while in this country, you may do it with the use of a VPN. It allows you to bypass restrictions and access these websites even when you’re abroad.

Defeat Data Retention

There are countries with laws about data retention and that means they are allowed or legal to store the internet activities and data for a certain length of time. You can only avoid this by using a VPN service. Before you travel, you must do some research first  if the country that you’re going to has this kind of laws so you’ll be prepared.

Save Money on Flights, Hotels and Car Rentals

You can choose from FrootVPN’s numerous VPN server locations to connect with and get the great deals when it comes to flights, hotels and car rentals. Prices are different and more expensive if you’re from a different country.

Keep your online privacy protected wherever you are!  Protect your personal information with FrootVPN even when you’re out there and ready for the perfect summer vacation!

Source: https://www.goldenfrog.com/blog/5-reasons-why-vpn-needed-vacation